Sonntag, 15. April 2007

rower Silky

As I already got complaints that my last report was already 2 (!!!) weeks old, I'll get you up-dated!
(just to defend myself: this blog has the subtitle "silke's exchange semester in WARSZAWA" - so I didn't want to talk about my one week stay in vienna!)

spring is getting stronger and stronger (and my skin browner and browner) and my desire to have a bike grew stronger and stronger as well.
yes, a bike!
and moreover, sylwia - my really nice roommate who came back from london last week - didn't stop telling me, that it was sooo nice to go by bike (and didn't stop making me envious...)

so, plan A was set:
sunday - really early in the morning - stadium dziesieciolecia (also known as "russian markets")

(just to explain the photo: all around the stadium - at the top - you can see little stands where people are selling stuff)

my second tandem partner (beside michał) natalia came with me to prevent me from the tourist-trap, as my polish is still not on a negotiating-level! she was the only one under many who took the challenge to stand up so early, so dziekuję!


result: sunglasses, cd, amber-stuff - BUT NO BIKES!!...

so, plan B: sunday - still quite early in the morning - bazar staroci na kole


at this really nice flea-market you could buy ANYTHING you want...
from shoelaces to driving-licences
and BIKES of course!

so I finally found this marvellous bike who was definitely made only for me! you know why?? when you ask the question "whose bike is this" ("o kogo należy ten rower?") the answer - in my case - in polish would be "Silky", as they even decline names...
(for everybody who knows better: yes, you're right: names from abroad - like mine - aren't declined... but the polish language (represented by natalia) will make an exception so that I can claim what I just wrote above)


And just to complete the day, I took out my nice bike for a ride in the las kabiecki (something like the wienerwald in vienna) a big forest area in the south of warzawa - I never enjoyed living in the south of the city more!
together with sylwia and friends of hers, we were riding in this park and taking a rest in the sun!
zajebisty dzień!

Thierry (Gast) - 19. Apr, 15:50

and do you have your driving-bike licence? ; )

lanya - 19. Apr, 18:53

I have a normal driving-bike licence ;)
but I'm not sure if one needs a special licence for these adventurous streets (talking of asphalt-condition) here...
funny-mark (Gast) - 19. Apr, 21:00

Silky bike

Silke + Silky --> how lovely!!!!
That's more than only destiny, that's true love, isn't it? ;-)
Enjoy your new friend, but also keep an eye on it, when the nights are dark and lonely in "corrupt" Warsaw...
Bye and all the best :-)
cu this weekend!

ich (Gast) - 24. Apr, 01:36


Clint. (Gast) - 24. Apr, 06:01


Hi there,
Would you be interested in meeting some photographers in Warsaw over the May long weekend? Rather on the last weekend of April?
Please go to this link to see the comments and leave your comment.
You really should sign up with flickr. It's great for sharing photos.

Clint. (Gast) - 24. Apr, 06:03


Please go to and look for the Warsaw group and sign up if you'd like to meet over the May long weekend.
P.S. The link is:
Clint. (Gast) - 24. Apr, 06:05


Here's where you can express your interest in meeting:


silke's exchange semester in warszawa

I'm looking forward to hearing from you as well!

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