Sonntag, 15. April 2007


so many people don't stop asking me about UNIVERSITY!
(nobody of you ever heard, that an exchange semester is primary NOT for learning but for achieving "social skills" - whatever this means??? (by the way: to write something abstract like these words always looks nice on CVs...))

here, the prove, I still know where my university is - doesn't it look nice?? just as attractive as the WU in vienna...

and just to tell you another funny detail about this nice university: they don't let you do any copies by yourself... really!! they must believe that we are not able to push the print-button or whatever...
so, they have these really kseros (copy shops) in the university where you have to queue to get one silly page copied...
Thierry (Gast) - 26. Apr, 10:13


and next time you will even cross the street ! :P

silke's exchange semester in warszawa

I'm looking forward to hearing from you as well!

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